Well this week we saw our Chiropractor and our Pediatrician. Dr. Jim Bob (the best Chiropractor ever!) said he thinks Scottish Rite is the way to go for Caleb's feet. He doesn't think the hips will need to be repaired, he things the feet are effecting the hips and once the feet are "fixed" then the hips can be adjusted into place. So hopefully the Doctors at Scottish Rite will find the same thing.
However our appointment with our Pediatrician was not so uplifting. Our actual pediatrician has not seen Caleb before. We took Allison in every couple of months for well child visits starting at 7 months until 2 years. We did a "delayed vaccine schedule" with her. At 2 years she was "caught" up except for 1 or 2 vaccines. So we brought Caleb in at 6 months for his first well child visit. Well because of the way Doctor's offices work he saw the Physician's Assistant at that appointment. When I quit teaching we had to get different insurance and we weren't sure exactly how they covered well child visits. Turns out the only thing they cover is the actual vaccine itself. So with our current budget we didn't have the money to take Caleb in every 2 months. In March Caleb and Allison caught a nasty stomach bug and I ended up taking Caleb in because he didn't seem to be getting better. (Of course on the day we took him in he miraculously recovered) Anyway, since March every few weeks he gets sick again. He can only keep down Pedialyte and maybe bananas and dry cereal. It can last from 1-3 days.
This problem has gotten a little sidelined as we look to have his feet and eyes checked out. But it has been nagging at me especially as it continues to come up again. He started throwing up again on Thursday evening...(our appt was Friday afternoon) While we were at the appointment on Friday he started dry heaving (he has never done that) and was very upset and fussy. In the past even when he was "sick" he was still his happy little self. Anyway, the pediatrician was not very calming nor consoling when she talked to us. She basically lectured us for not bringing him in, told us he could go blind, she was VERY concerned that he was so small and if we had brought him in "like we were supposed to" she could have sped up the process to get him into an eye doctor. I tried to explain to her why we hadn't been in since his 6 month and of course I got pretty emotional. I tried to do what was best for my children and I didn't need her lecturing me about how I had "failed." I saw the issues and did what I knew to do. Anyway, she ended up saying that she wanted to take some blood and test for all sorts of things. Thyroid, kidneys, I don't remember what else but that is where she wanted to start. With everything going on I didn't think to ask about something for him throwing up.
We went to a different Lab to have his blood drawn and we picked up some Pedialyte on the way. Well he ended up throwing that up too and dry heaving again. He was very lethargic and sleepy as well. Again, he has never been like that before. (I thought he was just tired at the Dr. because he was missing his nap) so at this point we tried to get a hold of the dr to get a prescription. Well they had closed 4 minutes earlier and a different doctor was on call. They don't prescribe medication after hours and his recommendation was to go to the ER. grrrrr. But at this point he was acting so out of the ordinary we did. We checked into the Medical Center at Lewisville ER. I was hoping they wouldn't have to take blood since he just had that done (they had to stick him 3 times to get it right, ARGH!) They ended up giving him some anti-nausea medication and some Tylenol (his temp was 100.8) After about 15 min. they let us give him some Pedialyte and he was able to keep it down, yea! His temp also went down and he was acting much more like himself. So they gave us a prescription and let us go. All in all I was pretty satisfied with how the whole thing went. (granted I haven't seen the bill yet, ugh) I didn't know how it would all play out otherwise I would have gotten something from the Doctor when we were there!
Live and learn. So we spent a little over 5 hours in doctors offices, labs, and the ER. But he was feeling much better and that is what mattered.
So now we are supposed to find out the results from the blood test on Monday and the Pediatrician is going to call Scottish Rite and another eye dr. as well to see if he has any openings sooner than our current appointment. Part of me hopes that they find something in the blood tests, then at least we can move forward. But of course I don't want anything to be "wrong" with my little bubba. However, something is wrong, and I want it to be "fixed." One other thing is that the ER and another source recommended seeing a Pediatric gastroenterologist for the throwing up. We will see if the blood gives us any answers, and if not then it looks as though we might be making another appointment.
God please heal my little boy.
I wish it was this easy............