(the title comes from what is below)
At about 6 weeks of age I started putting her in her crib in her room for her daytime naps instead of the bassinet in our room. I figured I should get her used to sleeping there and the camera monitor is set up in there so I get to watch her now too! It's so much fun! After a few days of naps there I thought we could put her to sleep in her crib and after she woke up for her nighttime feeding we could just put her in her bassinet until morning. Oh, I guess I didn't mention what a fabulous sleeper at night she is. She really only wakes up 1 time during the night, somewhere between 2:30 and 3:30 and then she sleeps until about 7:30 or 8am when she gets up. It's really just for my convenience that I don't put her back in her crib, but I think that day is quickly approaching. The first night we put her in the crib I felt like she was sooooo far away! All those crazy mommy fears that go through your brain! But, alas we stuck with it and I trust in God to keep us all safe and snug!
Something else that we are doing differently is diapering. We are still using cloth and still using our good old prefolds and covers, but I ordered some pocket diapers recently and I think I have fallen in love with them! Bum Genius and Happy Heineys are the 2 that we got. Besides being funny names, they work amazingly!! So easy to use and cute to boot!
Recent developments: Allison's hands are not tightly balled fists anymore! She opens them and brings them together. She is also batting at her toys! She loves the toys on her bouncy seat. I took some videos, but I'm a dork and they are all sideways! (I take them on our camera b/c we don't have a cord to hook up our video camera. sigh, I'll try again!)
She is also scared by noises much easier now. The dogs barked the other night when she was eating and she freaked out! It took her 5 seconds to breathe she was crying so hard! Well, I guess that about it for now!
Sporting the bow and the Jordans. (A kid at school bought the shoes for me/her!)
That precious smile!
This is seriously the only picture of me with Allison taken in the last month! Jason loves to take pictures before everyone is ready, so I actually posed crazy b/c I knew he was going to take it. dork! (me and him!)
Blowing bubbles is also something she has become very good at!!
She looks so adorable! I am so happy for you guys and all the progress....what a great mama you are!
Who's that cute kid in the picture with your crazy face? :)
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